Find Your Voice

Sometimes, the biggest obstacle standing in your way is the person you see when you look in the mirror, yourself. We allow fear, doubt, and a variety of other emotions to overcome ourselves and cloud our judgement. We allow the thought of being uncomfortable to hold us into a place of comfort. No matter what, we can not hold ourselves back. We can not be afraid to evolve and become even better versions of ourselves. We must have faith. We must believe in who we are. We must find our voice.

No Comparison

We are all powerful beyond, men and women alike. However, there’s a tiny voice in our heads that fill us with feelings of doubt. Sometimes, these feelings arise due to comparisons. We live in a day and age where it can become so easy to compare our lives to the lives of others. Often times, we subconsciously make comparisons of ourselves and don’t even realize this. But we fail to realize that all that glitters isn’t always gold.