A Word Wednesday: Take Care

A Word Wednesday: Take Care
You may not take this ongoing situation seriously, but you should. If not for yourself, for those you come in contact with. Take care of yourself by also taking into consideration others. Life isn’t all about you. Others are directly and indirectly impacted by the decisions you make. So please keep that in mine during these trying times.
And remember to always love yourself because you deserve to be loved. 💋

A Word Wednesday: EPISODE TWENTY

A Word Wednesday: EPISODE TWENTY
“Nobody but nobody can make it out here alone.” This is something I’m working on every day, especially since I live alone now & enjoy my alone time. But I have to remember that my alone time is momentary & I strive for community. You can’t make it your entire life alone. Embrace those who embrace you, open up, and let them be there for you. It’s not easy, but it is worth it. And remember, to always love yourself because you deserve to be loved. 💋


Webster defines healing as the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Meaning that something occurred and impacted someone in a way that requires healing to move forward. We have to heal from heartache/heartbreak, loss, damage, words, circumstances, experiences, and so much more. But how do we heal? How long does this take? What does it look like? Will we ever completely heal and move forward?


Today’s topic is entitled, “Speak.” They say communication is key, but I’m not always the best communicator. Sometimes it can be hard to express how we feel verbally. But we have to try, we have to use our works and speak so that others may hear us. Watch this video & keep this food for thought in mind. Lastly, remember to always love yourself, because you deserve to be loved.