A Word Wednesday: Slow Down

I am writing this post today to tell you all to SLOW DOWN, myself included.
I know we like to create timelines of when we want to accomplish certain things, but sometimes our timelines don’t align with God’s timeline. (Sometimes aka most of the times).

But we have to remind ourselves not to be discouraged because we did not accomplish something during our time table. God did not rush when he created us, he took his time. And they always say, good things come to those who wait.

God has already orchestrated our life down to EVERY second. So if he says it’s so, it will be. We just may not know when. But we must continue to be patient and have faith that our dreams and goals will come to fruition.

So today, I challenge you all to SLOW DOWN. Enjoy the now and live in expectancy because what you desire can and will happen, but know that things may not always happen when YOU want them to and that is perfectly okay. And remember to love YOURSELF because you deserve to be loved.


Exhaustion. We all are capable of becoming exhausting or making ourselves exhausted, whether intentionally or unintentionally. But we have to be brave enough to examine ourselves and our actions so that we can hold ourselves accountable and move forward to do better.

A Word Wednesday: With Love

  When you move in love toward your passion and purpose, then your work can adequately reflect your value for it.   I know a lot of people always have something to say regarding acting or making decisions based on your feelings. However, with A Word Wednesday is very important for me to create videosRead more