
Have you ever participated in an ice breaker that has involved checking in? I am SO not a fan of that. It makes me feel super uncomfortable and then I’m also like, “do y’all really care about me and what’s been going on?” But, I do understand that it IS important to check in. You NEED to check in with your family, your friends, loved ones, and you also have to check in with yourself. So let me check in with you all on this lovely Sunday!

A Word Wednesday: Let Someone In

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 states, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”

There will be times when we need someone to be there for us to pick us up and lend a hand. However, in order for us to do so, we have to let someone in.

This is something I work on every day because I have such a guard up. But, I know that I need to be vulnerable so that I can let those who truly love me in to be there for me.

Janna’s A Word Wednesday Testimony

This A Word Wednesday wasn’t what I had planned for today. But, God’s plan superseded my own. I know it’s a little long but I’m being truly open and honest about my personal battles and how COVID-19 has and is continuing to impact me. If you make it to the end, I hope this can touch or inspire you. Much love 💋 💕

Where I Am / Where You Are

Where am I currently? I’m still practicing self-love and self care. I’m still bettering myself. I’m a work in progress. But I’m working to progress. I want to encourage you all that’s it okay to not have it all together! It’s okay to be where you are so that you can grow and develop to where you ultimately want to be. I challenge you all to reflect on where you currently are & know that it’s okay to be a work in progress. 💕

A Word Wednesday: Self-Reflection

In order for us to grow, we have to do some self-reflection. Self-reflection can and will look different for different people. And it might not always be the most comfortable thing, but it’s very important as we take care of ourselves on our self-growth journey! If you can’t have the hard conversations with yourself, how can you with others? So, I challenge you all to take some time to self reflect and then act on bettering you for YOU! 💕

A Word Wednesday: Take Care

 It is important, now more than ever, to take care of ourselves! We can become focused on taking care of everything and everyone but sometimes we forget about the person in the mirror. There is absolutely nothing wrong with helping others, but what about you, too? What have you done to take care of yourself? You deserve the tender loving care that you give to everyone else. So this week and in the weeks to come, take some time for YOU and take care. 💕 

{Gracefully} Broken.

Life won’t always go the way we want it to go. Some things will hurt and shake us to the core. However, these things don’t have to be the end of our journey. We don’t have to rush through our process of healing either. It’s okay to be gracefully broken or just broken.