A Word Wednesday: Take Care

A Word Wednesday: Take Care
You may not take this ongoing situation seriously, but you should. If not for yourself, for those you come in contact with. Take care of yourself by also taking into consideration others. Life isn’t all about you. Others are directly and indirectly impacted by the decisions you make. So please keep that in mine during these trying times.
And remember to always love yourself because you deserve to be loved. 💋


Being vulnerable isn’t always easy. It takes true courage to demonstrate vulnerability. Having the ability to be vulnerable with yourself will allow you to truly love yourself, as you are. Self-love means loving all parts of yourself, not only the good. So today, I challenge you all to be truly vulnerable with yourself! 💋


Happy Self-Love Sunday! I am backkkk. Sorry for being MIA for some weeks. Blogging is something that I’m beyond passionate about. But being a full-time, active college senior is no joke. I was torn between writing a blog just to say I’m being consistent every Sunday and with providing quality, heartfelt pieces. Therefore, quality overRead more

Power in Purpose

Happy Wednesday! I hope your week has been going well, and if not, I hope that your week turns around for you. On Sunday, I briefly mentioned the topic for today’s blog. But I’ll do a little recap for you all. I am currently participating in a 21-day prayer journal challenge. The prayer journal thatRead more

Take Care of Home

Happy Self-love Sunday! I know that I have given you all my personal story and discussed loving yourself, and then discussed knowing yourself, but I haven’t discussed the actual act of taking care of yourself. And that is very pertinent in the whole purpose of this series and in self-love. You must take care ofRead more