Overcoming Insecurities

Insecurities can make you feel less than, worth less and like you have no purpose. Insecurities can also make you feel like you have to be someone else because others may appear happier than you. But you never know what others are going through & everything isn’t always as it seems. Just because someone may seem happy doesn’t mean that they truly are. I believe everyone has insecurities, even if they won’t admit to them, they are still there. And I am learning that it is so important to acknowledge your insecurities so you won’t let them have victory over you. Today, I am choosing victory over my insecurities, I am choosing to overcome them.

Make Room

God will make room in your life for him. Either because you asked or because he sees fit. And in the process of him making room, he will decrease some things, some situations, and maybe even some people so that he may increase.

Encourage Yourself

How many times do you tell yourself how amazing you are? How many times do you tell yourself that you’re a conqueror? Or reaffirm your power & importance? It’s easy for you to encourage your friends, so why not do the same for yourself? You deserve encouragement from you, just as much as they do.

Push Through

Feeling burned out? Unmotivated? Drained? Well, me too! Are you working hard this summer while your friends seem to be enjoying themselves every day? Me, too! We can work through these feelings and accomplish what we need to for that day, that week, that month. We must keep going, despite how we feel. Always.

See the Best in You

How often in your life do you only focus on the characteristics you don’t like about yourself? Or how often do you reflect on those things that you feel others don’t like about you? If God can see the best in you, even when it seems others cannot, then why not start seeing the best in you too? Because I promise, there is something amazing inside each & every one of us! It’s up to you to recognize and embrace that.

Let Someone In

Sometimes it can be easy to stay to yourself, to not let anyone in or let anyone know you. However, one of the most important things you can do is to let someone in. Allow someone to know the real you. Let them know the things you love above yourself & the things you do not necessarily care for. If you allow someone to see you, then you’ll always have someone you feel comfortable talking to when it feels like everything is falling apart. Sometimes the best way to love yourself is to be vulnerable enough to share who you truly are with someone, because as Maya Angelou said, “Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone.”