See the Best in You

Happy Self-Love Sunday!
I hope you all enjoyed your fourth of July! There is a song by Marvin Sapp, that has been heavy on my heart lately and almost always makes me reflect on my life and everything that I’ve been through. Even though it’s a gospel song, I know that everyone can relate to it. The song begins with, “He saw the best in me, when everyone else around could only see the worst in me.” 

How often in your life do you only focus on the characteristics you don’t like about yourself? Or how often do you reflect on those things that you feel others don’t like about you? If God can see the best in you, even when it seems others cannot, then why not start seeing the best in you too? Because I promise, there is something amazing inside each & every one of us! It’s up to you to recognize and embrace that. 


I thank God for seeing the best in me. And this song/saying really means a lot to me because of my personal experiences. Because I have fallen victim to caring what others think of me too many times for me to count. Especially when it seems that my world is falling apart, as if every possible thing that could go wrong has occurred. And then I start to worry and stress about how I can continuously fix all these negatives. So why is it so easy to see the bad, but not the good? Maybe because it’s easier to criticize than to compliment, especially when it comes to ourselves. We can compliment others all day long and at the same time, we can look at the mirror and point out everything we do not like about ourselves. So, let’s start using that positive energy that we have for others and also use it towards ourselves. Compliment others AND compliment yourself by recognizing the best parts of you.

Since we are all made in God’s image, that means there is some good in us. We just have to be willing to see it. And seeing this good and recognizing it can be the hardest part of the battle. It is our human nature to be our own biggest critic. I know that I am, and maybe many of you can relate to this. But just because it’s in our human nature doesn’t mean that we have to continue this. I don’t want to constantly bring myself down or criticize myself. I want to uplift myself and highlight those amazing features I love about myself. Life isn’t always easy and the situations and hardships we endure can be so daunting that they may tear our spirit down. I’ve been in situations where I have felt so drained and felt like complete trash. But what if, instead of succumbing to that awful feeling, I focused on all the good that is in me? What if I focused on the best parts of me? Imagine how I would feel. Imagine if you did the same, imagine how you would feel, too.


What reasons do you have to not love yourself or see the best in you? And if you’re trying to think of any reasons, stop. I promise they aren’t valid. You are wonderful, you are amazing, and the best parts of you are worth being acknowledged. Regardless of how this world may make you feel, remember that God sees the best in you, even when no one else, including yourself does. I don’t care what others say about you or myself, their opinions are not binding. The only opinion that truly matters is how we feel about ourselves. The world can and will try to tell you who you are all the time. But only you truly know the person you are, the kind of heart you have, and most importantly the best parts of you. It’s your choice to recognize the best in you. I’m beginning to make it my choice. Because even though I may be flawed, the best parts of me are still there. No matter what mistakes I make, no matter how many times I stumble or fall. And the best of you is always in you as well, no matter what.

Disregard how others may feel about you or their opinions. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Today, I challenge you to see the best in you. To think of some characteristics, you love about yourself. Make a list, write them down, save them in your phone, or store them in your memory. But, always keep them handy so that on those days when you need some extra love, you can refer to this list & remember how wonderful you are. And remember why YOU love yourself so much! The greatest love is self-love, so love yourself a little harder today & reflect on what you see as the best in you. I guarantee you’ll smile a little harder.

Love J.A.

3 thoughts on “See the Best in You

  1. I really loved the part about imagining how I would feel if I focused on the best parts of me. If God made us in His image and He is the all perfect being, then that means there is truth in what He sees. And I’m longing to see it as well. I really hope that I can learn to go against my human nature to beat down on myself for my “flaws” and develop better habits. As always, a wonderful post!

  2. I love this so much and it’s a constant reminder of the journey I am in because self love is the best love. But to say that and not feel it or work toward it is nothing. Praise God for filling my heart up with his heart. Praise him for the vision that I need from him to continue to see the good in me. ❤️✨👑

  3. The most admirable characteristic about your blogs, to me, are that they’re relatable. While reading, I imagine you expressing these thoughts based off of your own personal experience. I imagine you wondering and hoping that the point you’re trying to make is better or helping your readers. This post, however, has been my favorite. We all would be able to survive in the world a lot easier if we stopped worrying about others and their opinions. Once we start to do that, there’s a lesser chance that we’ll put off our insecurities on others and lead them to second guessing their worth. Thank you for this♥️Keep spreading the truth.

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