I wear glasses to correct my nearsightedness. However, my perspective on life has often kept this nearsighted view. Just because you can not see something clearly or at all because it is far away, doesn’t mean that it won’t come into fruition. Today, I challenge you all to reflect on your vision for your life. Is your perspective nearsighted? Start embracing the endless possibilities of things seen & unseen. Anything can happen, have faith! 💋


Being vulnerable isn’t always easy. It takes true courage to demonstrate vulnerability. Having the ability to be vulnerable with yourself will allow you to truly love yourself, as you are. Self-love means loving all parts of yourself, not only the good. So today, I challenge you all to be truly vulnerable with yourself! 💋


Just because someone isn’t able to see your worth doesn’t mean that you lack value. Whether it be a relationship or friendship, if said person can’t realize your worth, don’t let it impact how you think of yourself. You are worth something! You are valuable & precious. Acknowledge your worth today! 💋


Hey loves, it’s time for our second video in the self-love series! Most of us have an image of ourselves that we like to portray to the world. I feel an important aspect of self-love involves being raw and uncut with yourself. Meaning that you accept your natural self for who you are. These flaws you despise are the very things that make you, YOU. And being able to be vulnerable like this with yourself is a process. But it is so worth it, so embrace yourself, naturally.


Grief. Grief is such a sensitive topic. But it is something everyone will experience at one point or another in their lives. I do not think that I have ever truly grieved someone until my grandmother passed away this summer. We live in a society where death and dying are talked about for as little as possible and then we move on, back to our regularly scheduled programs. Of course I have been sad before and cried my little heart out when someone passed away. But all of those deaths I experienced during my adolescence where I was still trying to wrap my head around death and God at the time. My uncle passed away while I was in college and it definitely hit home for me. But maybe I was able to keep it moving because I was distracted by college and all the responsibilities I held. However, these distractions did not exist when my grandmother passed away.


Get ready for an October filled with self-love! We live in a society that sets a standard for what is considered the beauty and what isn’t. And when you don’t fit in these social norms, then you’re different or not as good looking as society deems you should be. But what’s wrong with being unlike the standard or anyone else? Be comfortable in the skin that is yours! You are a unique masterpiece and that is beautiful in itself. Remember to always love yourself ! 💋