Follow Your Heart

Hello, to all of my lovely readers. I think one of the most rewarding things anyone can do is: to recognize what is in his/her heart. Once you recognize what is important to you or what you care about, then you can choose your next step. Whether it be telling someone how you truly feel,Read more

July Check-In

Hey guys! Today’s blog post is going to be totally different from my others. This blog post is just to check-in with my life so far and update you all. In my high school drama class, we played this “game” called Check-In.  Basically we passed a rose around the circle and whoever had the roseRead more

Let It Go

Hello everyone! Today’s post is inspired by the famous saying, “let go and let God.” And thus, welcome to “Let it Go Sunday.” Personally,  I have a really bad problem of lettings things get to me. And by things, I mean situations that I have no control over, that I can not change. For instance,Read more