Follow Your Heart

Hello, to all of my lovely readers.

I think one of the most rewarding things anyone can do is: to recognize what is in his/her heart. Once you recognize what is important to you or what you care about, then you can choose your next step. Whether it be telling someone how you truly feel, accomplishing a dream that fear kept you from pursuing, or making a life changing decision; it’s important to one day face your fears and listen to your heart.

  I know how difficult it can be listening to your heart. Over the years, I have struggled with listening to my own heart and doing what I thought was socially acceptable. In order for me to listen to my heart and it’s desires, I had to stop worrying about popular opinion, or any opinion that wasn’t my own to be honest. You have to remember that people may not always get it. They may not get your vision, they may not see what you see, how you see it, or when you see it happening. But don’t let that stop you. If something is weighing heavily on your heart and has been, then you maybe you should start looking at that as a sign to pursue whatever the thing may be. Also, don’t be concerned with the what if’s. Because trust me, if you worried about all of the possible things that could go wrong, you’d lose the drive and nerve you have to actually go through with your heart’s desires.

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to have my own blog, whether it be a written blog or vlog. However, whenever I hyped myself up to actually start one, I always chickened myself out too. I always asked myself: what if nobody cares what I have to say? What if  nobody visits my blog? But there’s a famous Babe Ruth quote (that I heard on A Cinderella Story),

“Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.”

And I find that to be so true. Don’t let your fears keep you from accomplishing something you love and have always hoped for. So I finally stopped letting my fears control my life, took a leap of courage and faith, and started my blog this summer. I must say, I am quite happy I did. And I just want to thank you ALL so much for supporting me as I embark this journey, though I love it, it can be quite frightening sharing my thoughts like this, but also so amazing to see you all post such positive comments on here and via text.

Remember, always listen to your heart (in reason!!! don’t do something outrageous, like do something that’ll get you arrested lol). Regardless of what others will have to say about your decisions. Sometimes, you have to make sure your happiness comes first. Pursue your dreams, reach for the stars, and embark on a journey of courage. I believe it takes a truly courageous person to first, acknowledge what is in his/her heart, and second, follow the desires of his/her heart. My charge to you all is to go do something you’ve always wanted to, but were too afraid to do. Tell someone how you truly feel about them. Start that business endeavor you’ve been dreaming of. And remember that, Rome was not built in a night. Sprinkle of Jesus actually just sent an amazing notification that I would like to quote and leave you all with as you reflect on the true desires of your heart.

“Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t see results right away. Things manifest at the right time. Your hard work is about to pay off.”


Janna Alane