Take Care of Home

Happy Self-love Sunday!
I know that I have given you all my personal story and discussed loving yourself, and then discussed knowing yourself, but I haven’t discussed the actual act of taking care of yourself. And that is very pertinent in the whole purpose of this series and in self-love.

You must take care of home, which means yourself. Before you can fully love anyone else, you must love yourself. Before you can take care of others, you have to take care of you. We are so quick to check in on friends and make sure they’re fine, especially after traumatic events. But why don’t we do the same for ourselves? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with caring for others and ensuring they are okay, that’s the type of person I am. However, you must understand it is important to take time for yourselves to check in with your feelings, your emotions. And if you’re not okay, be able to reach out and receive help.


I personally put others before myself. I’m constantly checking in on others and seeing what I can do for them. And while I am still going to care for others, I am going to care for myself just as much as I do for other people and check in on me first. One way that I am doing this is by bettering my relationship & journey with God through a 21 day prayer journal written by the lovely Sopha Rush (@livedeeplyrooted on all social media). I have just begun this journey and realized how thirsty & desperate my soul was for the Lord. I go to church, I pray, and I talk the Lord. However, I have fallen short & I do not go to the Lord like I need. And that is why this journey is allowing me to take care of self, but I will speak more on this on Wednesday so tune in!

I want you all to know that it is not selfish to ensure that you’re okay. But for you to adequately be there, supporting others, you have to ensure your foundation is together. And the foundation is you. Take some time to pamper yourself, do a good face mask, read, relax and bask in your thoughts, meditate, create or find some affirmations that fit you & your life. Do whatever makes you feel good & enables you to think of yourself, your feelings, and wants.


It’s always good to care for others. But it’s even more important & essential to care for you. Always remember to take time for you, no matter the length. Sometimes you have to put yourself first. So this week, take some time to stop & take care of home, and then go on with the rest of your day.

Love J.A.