
There’s a famous H.E.R. song that says, “Lately, I’ve been going through some changes, been running out of maybes.”
Have you been going through changes in your life? Changes that may have you questioning the very fundamentals of what you thought you knew? Changes that weren’t necessarily warranted. Or maybe they were? Well, if you can relate to any kind of change (which I think we all can), then this blog is for you.

When I was thinking of what topic to write about this Sunday, this H.E.R. song was prevalent in my mind. I feel this verse, if nothing else, represents the current season of my life. It’s been a season of changes. And when I tell you some of these changes have really been trying me. Some moments I feel overwhelmed by all the change, and alone and honestly, I just want to give up. I wish I could say change is easy, but I haven’t always been a fan of change. And one of the things I’ve learned over the years is that sometimes you have to be uncomfortable to elevate. And I’m in such an uncomfortable state with some of this change.


See, I’ve also had to realize that it’s okay to be uncomfortable. Because when you’re always comfortable, how can you continually push yourself & chase your full potential? You’ll see no need because you’ll be okay with accepting things as they are. And I’ve often found myself experiencing these feelings with discomfort. And I feel God makes me experience change so that I will be so uncomfortable that I’ll be moved to do more, to do better, and stop being complacent with the okay way things have been going when I can make a conscious effort to have and experience more. This was not a lesson I learned easily. It came with years of experience and lots of tears. Change can be uncomfortable, especially since I like to be in control of things. But it’s okay to not always be in control and even more okay to be uncomfortable. Because for me, discomfort gives me that push I need.

Change is inevitable. Sometimes it’s wanted and sometimes it’s not. But we can’t always control when changes occur. Or what changes for that matter. And sometimes, it’s hard to see the bigger picture. To see that everything happens for a reason, even if it’s unfavorable for the time being. But I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and that is why change has to occur. No one can elevate without some kind of change, otherwise, we would all be the same. Stuck in the same position. Like they say, how can you complain about your plate being full when the goal was to eat? You can’t handle all that without a little change. Even if it’s a simple change such as: your daily routine, study habits, sticking to a schedule, whatever works for you. A change doesn’t have to be humongous for it to be impactful.


We must remember that this too shall pass. And when these unfavorable changes disappear, they will disappear because of more change. I haven’t always been a fan of change. But I understand that it’s necessary. And sometimes what’s necessary will not always be what we want, but these steps will aid us in reaching our goals and dreams.

Today, I challenge you to embrace the changes that are taking place in your life or that will come. Everything doesn’t have to be pretty or picture perfect to benefit you. Change can look nice or not so nice, but just know the fruits of your changes will bring forth some extraorindary movements in your life. I am currently going through the phases of change and am in the process of learning how to embrace what has been coming my way. It may not be what I expected, but I will adapt, overcome, and conqeuror. And I challenge you to do the same!

Love J.A.