Year of You

Happy Self-Love Sunday my loves!
Welcome to the new year. I hope you all are feeling inspired by the new beginnings this year has to offer. If you’re into vision boards, I hope you’ve been making them OR making plans to conqueror all that you want to this year. Remember, we are transforming this year. Your most important goal is to make this year better than the last, and you have ample opportunity to do so. And, make sure to love yourself a little harder this year than you did last year.

Earlier today I participated in a volunteer opportunity that involved providing a few items to the homeless. As I hit the road, the first song that played in my car (without me selecting it) was J.Cole’s Love Yourz. If you know me, then you know I absolutely love J.Cole and Love Yourz is one of my favorite songs by him. And the irony of this song playing today, of all days, is that it goes hand in hand with what I had planned for today’s blog. Not only are we transforming in 2019, but we’re making it personal. It’s the year of you and in order to do so, you have to love everything that makes you you and makes your life unique to you. You have to love yours.


See, 2019 is the year of me and I can only hope that it will be the year of you, too. This year we’re being unapologetically ourselves. We’re taking chances, we’re fulfilling our dreams, and we’re living with little to NO regrets. It’s time to heal all those wounds you’ve left open for too long. We let our wounds build up and become infected, so much so that we don’t even realize they are there until they burst open. Our wounds are our emotions, all our battle scars. In 2019, I am releasing all the hurtful wounds. And anything else that is hindering me from elevation & transformation, from being the woman God has called me to be. And I pray that you can do the same, it’s time to rebuild! The focus is to better ourselves.

I am trying to move in my purpose this year. I’m making efforts to improve myself already by first, improving my relationship with God. I didn’t really make any resolutions, but I have a 2019 to-do list. We get caught up in making a new year’s resolution because others do it and we feel like hey, why not? Also, we don’t take them seriously. When we don’t stick to them, we’re like, “oh well I will try again next year.” But with to-do list’s, we can’t wait to check things off the list to say we have completed them, we have more motivation and they help us remember what we HAVE to complete. I’m a fan of to-do list’s and I use them almost every day. You have to do what works for you and to-do list’s are my thing and they will help me make 2019 my year.


As I have stated previously, it’s time to recharge, refocus, and keep it moving. 2018 may have not been what you wanted it to be, but what’s stopping you from making 2019 even better? And if you feel like 2019 hasn’t started right for you, you have so many days, weeks, months, and the rest of the year to make a change. Don’t just feel defeated and give up! This is the year of YOU, so you have no time for compromises, such as accepting anything other than what you deserve, or not putting your all into something. What is for you will be for you, but don’t let this motto stop you from pouring your soul into what you love. Everything happens for a reason and just as a seed reaps a harvest, you will reap what you sow, in due time.

Today, I challenge you to begin this mindset of thinking this is the year of you. Release any negativity from your mind, body, and soul. Let of all the pain, hurt, anger, and whatever else that is not aiding you in transforming toward the you are destined to be. You are loved. You are special. You deserve happiness and you are destined for greatness. Make a list of goals/things you want to accomplish this year, in whatever method works for you whether it’s a vision board, to-do list, etc. And take the first step to improving yourself. 2019 is YOUR year, it’s the year of me and the year of you, too. May 2019 be filled with everything you imagined, and so much more.

Love J.A.