More happiness

Happy Self-Love Sunday!
I thought I had today’s blog all prepared and ready to publish. I went to church this morning & I felt God furthered confirmed my message for today with today’s topic and what was said. However, on the way home I had an unsettling feeling and I feel God is telling me to hold that topic for next week and speak on something else. So that is what I am going to do, it’s weighing heavy on my heart & I definitely feel it’s appropriate for our Self-Love series. So enjoy!

Have you ever been happy about something you have accomplished and shared with the world, but then felt bad for sharing maybe a little too much? Have you ever been happy but felt it was at the expense of others? Or, have you ever diverged your happiness because you felt you didn’t deserve to be? Or compromised your happiness to comply with someone else’s? Then this blog is the one for you (I apologize in advance if it’s a little lengthy.)


Your happiness is significant. And regardless of how others may feel, you deserve to be happy. If you think others deserve to be happy, then why don’t you feel the same about yourself? Don’t feel bad about being happy, because then you take away your joy. It’s okay to feel for your friends and want the best for them. But you have to do the same for yourself. Sometimes, you have to put your own happiness first & sometimes that entails putting you first as well.. I’m not condoning being 100% selfish. But let’s be real, if you never do what you love, what you want, or what makes you happy, then maybe you need to be a little teeny bit of selfish for once.

I am guilty of the above. Guilty of putting others happiness before my own, going above & beyond to make them happy. And I am not saying that is terrible, cause it’s not. I want all my friends and loved ones to be happy. However, I can’t make that my number one focus, 365 days of the year because then I drain myself and have no time to make me feel good. Help your friends feel happy when you can, and then help yourself too.


Life is already pretty tough. Therefore, it’s important to delight in what we can, when we can. Every day isn’t going to be filled with rainbows and lots of joy, and I know we can all agree to this. But when happiness presents itself in front of you, you better embrace it with every ounce of you!

God makes no mistakes. So when he allows feelings of happiness to warm your body, he meant for you to be happy! Don’t doubt or second guess. Just be open & receptive. And if you feel led to spread the happiness you feel, then do so. But be cautious of tiring yourself and stretching yourself too thin. We are blessed by God, so whatever blessings come your way are truly meant for you. And if they make you happy, then be happy! I’m learning to indulge in my happiness, to embrace it, give thanks, and help others when and if I can. But first I had to completely accept what is meant for me, is meant for me. So are you going to love yourself enough today to choose to be happy?

Love J.A.