Pressing through the rest of 2018

Hello my loves!
It is officially June, well it’s been June for a couple of days, but you know what I mean. June marks the halfway mark in the year, meaning the year is halfway over. And boy I swear it feels like time has flown! So since we’re reaching this midway point in 2018 I thought it would fit to check-in and maybe refocus.

Maybe you made some goals when the new year began that you hoped to accomplish. Or maybe you want to make some goals to complete before 2018 is over. I’m just letting you know that, IT IS NOT TOO LATE! You still have half a year worth of journeys and memories to experience and make. Take full advantage of this time. And instead of saying, “I wish I would do this, that, and the third.” Actually, go out and do all those things you hoped and dreamed of accomplishing!


I’ve always wanted to blog. I reached out on faith last year and finally achieved my goal. However, I would post whenever I wanted, which was not consistent at all. But I have made a personal goal of being more consistent and intentional this year with my blog. If you haven’t noticed, you see my blogs twice EVERY week now. Don’t you just love it? (lol) Anyways, I didn’t start with this goal at the beginning of 2018, but I do plan to carry it out throughout the rest of the year. I am also stepping out of my comfort zone and participating in endeavors that I never thought I could accomplish. Recently, I submitted samples of my blogs and writing to see if I would be selected as a content creator. And, to my great surprise, I got accepted. I’ll be serving as a content creator for a women’s weekend coming up in November, so of course I will fill you all in soon.

For the rest of the year, and years to come, I am dedicated to being more intentional. More intentional with my relationships with people, my actions, and most importantly with my relationship with God. I think school may have drained me this year, but I feel rejuvenated and restored. And with this new-found energy, I plan to do better and be better, continuously. So I’m tasking you all with helping hold me accountable. When it’s getting late in the day on a Sunday & Wednesday and you don’t see a blog, message me, check me lol. Trust me, I will know that is coming from a place of love.


Sometimes to achieve our goals, we must have accountability partners, especially when we feel like giving up. I have an outstanding accountability partner who always pushes me, even when I feel lazy or discouraged, he’s always there. And his determination and personal goals are motivation enough, check out his website ( or catch him on Youtube, Instagram, or Facebook @LucasFrinkTheBossExponent. I promise he will leave you inspired. I also have an amazing friend who is a fellow blogger and such a woman of power, check out her blog A Journey with Jordan ( And I have an incredible support system filled with wonderful friends who always encourage and push me. I know that I can achieve what I set my mind too, but when I get disheartened a little reinforcement never hurts. Who can you trust to hold you accountable on your journey to your dreams?

Anything can be possible once you set your mind on achieving something. The goal may not be reached overnight, it may take a while. But the fruits of your labor will be rewarded once you’ve obtained you heart’s desires. So make sure you set some long-term and short-term goals, even if you don’t plan on accomplishing them this year. Then find someone or more than one person to hold you accountable and be there when you feel you can’t go on. Set your goals so that they will continuously push you each day, just as your accountability partners will as well. Make the rest of the year, the best year for you!

Love J.A.

2 thoughts on “Pressing through the rest of 2018

  1. This is awesome and your experience is much like mine. I started blogging last year and wasn’t consistent. Now I’m on it. I blog once a week. This is so exciting about your upcoming event in November! Congrats!

  2. Thanks for the shoutout, love! I only want to see you conquer & accomplish everything I know you can. You’re amazing at what you do & your post are beyond uplifting. You actually had me laughing with this post lol. “Don’t you just love it? (lol)” Excited for your upcoming event. I know you’ll do outstanding!

    Keep up the great work!

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